NameHARRISON, Capt. Benjamin

Birth Date25 Oct 1755
Birth PlaceDobbs County, North Carolina
Death Date14 Aug 1811 Age: 55
Death PlaceLaurens County, Georgia
FlagsMilitary, Neel Line
Misc. Notes
• Military, 19 May, 1778, North Carolina.
• Military, Between 1790 and 1796, Georgia.
American Militia in the Frontier Wars, 1790-1796
• Residence, 1790, Washington, Georgia, USA.
U.S. Colonial Census Reconstruction Records, 1660-1820
Name: Ben Harrison
Gender: M (Male)
State: Georgia
County: Washington County
Residence Year: 1790
Household Remarks: Name on a petition, 1792, to the Governor from
David Boyd of Washington Co. seeking mercy for cattle stealing. Attached to the petition are signatures of assumed residents of Washington Co. stating of...
• Military Pension, 14 April, 1851, Randolph, Georgia, USA.
Revolutionary War Pension Record # W5296
Benjamin Harrison, widow Charity
State of Georgia
Randolph County Superior Court, Spring Term, April, 1851.
On this the fourteenth day of April, AD, 1851, personally appeared in
open Court, Mrs. Charity Harrison of the County and State aforesaid, aged eighty-seven years, who being duly sworn, according to law, doth on her oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provisions made by the several "Acts of Congress "heretofore passed granting __________ on the widows of Revolutionary Soldiers. Affiant states that she is the widow of Benjamin Harrison, deceased, who served as a Captain of a Company of ________________ to the Continental Batalian of the State of North Carolina, in the war for American Independence in _____. That her husband was commissioned as Captain as aforesaid on the 19th day of May, A.D. 1778 by Richard Caswell, ____nor of the State of North Carolina; that she does not know where or how long her said husband served, but from what she remembers to have heard him say before his death, she believes he was engaged a long time, and perhaps to the end of the Revolutionary War. The only documentary evidence left by the said husband at the time of his death, now in her possession, of his service in said War, is hereto attached as follows: the 1st, a Commission as Captain from Governor Richard Caswell, dated 19th May, 1778; 2nd, an order from said Governor Caswell to her said husband as Captain, to muster his Company to march into service--said order bearing date 14th day of June, 1778; and 3rd, a Commission as Captain from Alexander Martin, Governor of North Carolina, and dated the 7th of June, A.D. 1783.
She further declares that she was married to the said Benjamin Harrison, now deceased, on the 8th day of June, A.D. 1785 at her fathers (James Williams) in Edgecombe County, North Carolina, by one_____ Diggs (his christian name she does not positively remember, but she thinks it was Robert) a Justice of the Peace; that her maiden name was Charity Williams and that she was twenty-one years old when she was married to the said Benjamin Harrison, dec'd. She further declared that her said husband died on the 14th day of August, A.D., 1811; that she was not married to him prior to his leaving the service, but the marriage took place previous to the 2nd of January, A. D. 1800, that she has never before made any application for a pension.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, clerk of said Court, in Open Court, on the day and year above written-that this my hand and Seal of Office, this the 14th day of April, A.D. 1851.
(illegible clerks signature)
Signature -- Charity Harrison
Birth Date17 Feb 1764
Birth PlaceEdgecombe County, North Carolina
Death Date13 Jul 1854 Age: 90
Death PlaceGeorgetown, Randolph County, Georgia
FlagsNeel Line
Marr Date8 Jun 1785
Marr PlaceEdgecombe County, North Carolina