NameSANSING, William Kenneth

Birth Date4 Dec 1924
Birth PlaceMathiston, Webster County, Mississippi
OccupationSansing Meat Processing Plant
Death Date22 Nov 2012 Age: 87
Death PlaceKosciusko, Attala County, Mississippi
MemoV. A. Nursing Home
Misc. Notes
Kenneth was born on December 4, 1924, in Mathiston, Mississippi, to the late Eugene and Lela Sansing.
He grew up in a big loving family during the depression. At age 18, he joined the Air Force and served as a Staff Sargent in World War II. After his military service, he followed in his father’s footsteps and worked for the C&G Railroad for 17 years.
In the mid-1950’s he bought a small farm, soon opened Sansing Meat Service, and lived his dream of being a farmer and father. He was a long time member of Maben First Baptist Church where he served as a youth Sunday school teacher and deacon.
Birth Date31 Jul 1943 Age: 78