James Wallace, covenanter, son of Matthew Wallace, succeeded about 1641 to his father's lands at Auchans, Ayrshire.
Early in life he adopted the military profession, and became lieutenant-colonel in the parliamentary army. He went to Ireland in the Marquis of Argyll's regiment in 1642, and in 1645 was recalled to oppose the progress of Marquis of Montrose.
He joined the covenanters under General Baillie, and was taken prisoner at the battle of Kilsyth (Murdoch and Simpson, Deeds of Montrose, 1893, pp. 125, 329). Returning to Ireland before 1647, he was appointed governor of Belfast in 1649, but was deprived of the office in June of that year. Soon afterwards he removed to Ked-hall, Ballycarry, near Carrickfergus, where he married.
Removing to Scotland in 1650, when Charles II came to Scotland on the invitation of the Scots parliament, Wallace was appointed lieutenant-colonel of a foot regiment under Lord Lorne. At the Battle of Dunbar Wallace was again made prisoner. On his colonel's petition, as a reward for his services, he was ‘referred to the committee of estates, that he may be assigned to some part of excise or maintenance forth of the shire of Ayr.’
Wallace lived in retirement from the Restoration till the ‘Pentland Rising,’ in which he took a very active part as leader of the insurgents. One of Wallace's earliest prisoners was Sir James Turner [q. v.], who had been his companion in arms twenty-three years before. During his captivity Turner was constantly with Wallace, of whose character and rebellion he gives a detailed account in his memoirs.
On 28 Nov. 1666 Wallace's forces and the king's, under the command of General Dalzell, came within sight of each other at Ingliston Bridge. Wallace was defeated, and, with his followers, took to flight He escaped to Holland, where he took the name of Forbes. He was condemned and forfeited in August 1667 by the justice court at Edinburgh.