Birth Dateabt 1555
Birth PlaceSt. Endelyon, Cornwall, England
Death Datebef 16 Oct 1635 Age: 80
Death PlaceSt. Endelyon, Cornwall, England
FlagsHistorical, Interesting
Misc. Notes
Robert Beheathland was with the first group of settlers from England who established Jamestown, Virginia.
He came to Virginia in one of three ships, Susan Constant, Godspeed or Discovery, which sailed from the Thames in December of 1606. They reached Jamestown 13 May 1607. Robert Beheathland was listed as a Gentleman.
Robert was amoung those who accompanied Captain John Smith on a visit to Powhatan (Pocahontas’ father) at his seat “Werowocomoco” on the Pamunkey (York) River, in February 1607/8, and was a member of the party setting forth in the Discovery barge, 29 December 1608, on a second visit to Powhatan. En route, on account of the weather, the party put in at Kecoughtan (Hampton) and the first Christmas of which there is record in the new world was spent there in company with the Indians.
“The next day being lodged at Kecoughten 6 or 7 daies, the extreme wind, rain, frost and snow caused us to keepe Christmas amongst the Salvages; where wee were never more merrie, nor fedde on more plentie of good oysters, fish, wild foule and good bread; nor never have better fires in England then in the drie warme Smokie houses of Kecoughtan.”
Beheathland was also of the party which visited the Indian chief Opecancancough on the Pamunkey, 1609, and the settlers, fearful of treachery even then, placed “Master Powell and Master Beheathland” on guard. [NOTE: Opecancanough was said to have been the originator of the plot which culminated in the massacre of 22 March 1621/22 in which 347 white settlers were slain.]
By 1620 Captain Robert Beheathland had returned to England, for he is recorded there as one of the signers of a petition presented to the Royal Council requesting that a permanent governor for Virginia be appointed and expressing a willingness to return there if this was done.
Birth Dateabt 1555
Birth PlaceSt. Endelyon, Cornwall, England
Death PlaceSt. Endelyon, Cornwall, England