Name(GOODLOE), Mary 
Misc. Notes
Many genealogists have Mary Weekes, daughter of Abraham Weekes married to George Goodloe. This is incorrect.
Paul Miller Goodloe who wrote the Goodloe Genealogy in 1982 negates it and this is why:
"Various individuals have reported Mary Goodloe's maiden name to have been Gibson or Weeks. Much searching has been done by many seriously interested parties, but there has been no proper documentation of the name Gibson and Weeks has proven incorrect. First, W. G. Stanard in VA Magazine of History and Biography, Oct. 1897, quoted a power of attorney from Mildred, widow of Abraham Weekes to Henry Goodloe as her son (sic)...grandson, but in 1898 a Mr. Eastman examined the original document and reported that Henry Goodloe was referred to as "my loving friend" by Mildred Weeks and not as "my loving son." It is also clear that this power of attorney was executed by Millicent and not "Mildred" Weeks. Another POA read: I do hereby empower Henry Goodloe to apprear for me in Middlesex Court there to acknowledge unto my dau. Mary Weeks and James her son, four Negro slaves who are mentioned in a deed of gift being dated with these presents and for your doing this shall be your sufficient warrant as witness my hand 2 oct. 1703."
Secondly, Abraham Weeke's will shows that Mary Weekes didn't marry George Goodloe. He names Letty & Elizabeth with their married names and even John Jones as s-i-l, but Mary is not married. Infact, she doesn't get married until 3rd of November, 1708, and that was to William Faulkener. (Christ Church Parish Register, Middlesex Co., VA....p. 81)
The will of Abraham Weekes was dated, January, 1691-2. and proved March, 1691-2; legatees: son Francis, daughter Mary , daughter Letty Lidford, neice Katherine Collins, daughter Elizabeth Wheeling, son-in-law John Jones. Mr Matthew Lidford, Mr. Francis Weekes, and Mr. Henry Williamson, executors. Virginia Tax Records, Tithables of Lancaster Co., Virginia, 1654 p. 245
George (1637 - 1710) & Mary Goodloe's first child was born in 1672. Since Mary Weekes was not married in 1691/92, she couldn't be the wife of George Goodloe.
Birth Date1637
Birth PlaceAspull, Manchester, England
Death Date7 Dec 1710 Age: 73
Death PlaceMiddlesex County, Virginia
Immi Date28 May 1674 Age: 37
Immi PlaceMiddlesex County, Virginia
Misc. Notes
" George Goodloe was born at Aspal, Lancashire, England, around 1639, and coming to America entered land in Middlesex county, Virginia, May 28, 1674. There he passed away about 1710. " from Tennessee the Volunteer State 1769–1923: Volume 2 HALLUM WOOD GOODLOE.
Marr Dateabt 1670
Marr PlaceAspull, Manchester, England