NameCHILDERS, Henry Sr.

Birth Dateabt 1678
Birth PlaceBermuda Hundred, Virginia
Death Date4 Sep 1726 Age: 48
Death PlaceRichmond, Henrico County, Virginia
Misc. Notes
To son Thomas, land and plantation I now live on 50 acres to daughters Lucretia, Anne, Martha Jones, and Millesant Childers. One half of my estate to sons Thomas and HENRY to be equally divided. If either die before 21, the survivor to get all. 9 both die, to be divided between my four daughters All the rest to wife Lucretia, and she to be executor Dated 16 May 1727 Wk: ABRAHAM CHILDERS, Joseph Atkins, Edward Bennett Recorded Sept. 4, 1726 p. 162 Inventory of Henry Childers taken 29 Sept. - 1727 Value E 44/0/4 by Edward Goode, Thomas Childers, and William Froamorton. Presented in court by Thomas Recorded I Jan. 1727
Birth Dateabt 1688
Birth PlaceBermuda Hundred, Virginia
Death Dateabt 1727 Age: 39
Death PlaceBermuda Hundred, Virginia
Misc. Notes
Bermuda Hundred was the first incorporated town in the English colony of Virginia. It was founded by Sir Thomas Dale in 1613, six years after Jamestown.
Bermuda Hundred was named for Bermuda, which became part of the Virginia Colony for a few years after the shipwreck of the ill-starred Sea Venture, the new flagship of the Virginia Company of London.
Marr Date15 Sep 1708
Marr PlaceHenrico County, Virginia
ChildrenHenry (~1714-~1761)