NameGRIFFIN, James

Birth Dateabt 1753
Birth PlaceEdgecombe County, North Carolina
Death Date19 Dec 1836 Age: 83
Death PlaceIrwin County, Georgia
FlagsAmerican Revolution War, Messer Line, Military
Misc. Notes
Pension application of James Griffin W7586 Sarah fn74NC
State of Georgia, County of Irwin
On the first Day of October 1832 personally appeared before the Justice of the Inferior Court for said County James Griffin a Resident of the State of Georgia in the County of Irwin aged 79 years who being duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provisions made by the act of Congress passed June the 7th 1832:
that he enlisted in the Army of the United States in the year 1776 with Thomas blunt [sic, Blount?] and served in the fifth Regiment of the North Carolina Continental line under the following named officers I listed with Thomas Blount & served with Captain Riding Blunt [sic, Redding or Reading Blount?], Thomas Armstrong and Benjamin Coleman as two lieutenants in the same company I served a 11 months as there was no certain time limited by Congress for enlistments I took no certificate for my time nor I could get no certificate for my having enlistment. I was told by my officers I had best enlist again as there was no chance to get a Discharge from my first enlistment in March as well as I can recollect in 1777 I enlisted with Lieutenant Thomas Armstrong in the same company for three years and he gave me a certificate for my time and I served with the following named officers the time I left the Service general hagons [General James Hogun?] as a field officer Colonel Harney [Selby Harney] as a field officer magor Dawson [sic, possibly Major Levi Dawson], magor murphy [sic, Major Murphy], Capt. Ingles [possibly John Inglas (Ingles)] he exercised the hole [sic] Brigade from North Carolina as Regiment was reduced I am not certain but I was Discharged from the second Regiment I served as a Corporal During my inlistment I lived in edgecomb [sic, Edgecombe] County North Carolina and listed in the town of torborough [sic, Tarborough] and Joined the fifth Regiment at newbon town [sic, New
Bern?] in said State I was marched to the northard [sic, northward] and there I was ingaged in the following named battles the first I was engaged in was at Brandywine on the 11th Day of September I believe in 1777 on the 4 Day of october in the same year I was engaged in a battle at Jermantown [Germantown] on the 28th day of June 1778 I was ingaged in a battle at Monmouth then I was marched to Hallifax [Halifax] town North Carolina and then I got my Discharge I hereby Relinquish every claim whatever to a pension except the present and Declare that my name is not on the pension Roll of any agency in any State.
Sworn to and subscribed the first Day of october 1832 before William Bradford one of the Justices of the inferior court for Irwin County Georgia.
S/ James Griffin
Georgia, or when County: Personally appeared before me Andrew McCleland a Justice of the peace James Griffin who being duly Sworn Deposes and saith that by reason of old age and the consequent loss of memory he cannot swear positively as to the precise length of his services but according to the best of his Recollection he Served not less than three years and a 11 months three years as a Corporal in Captain Blunts [Blount's?] Company a level months as a private Soldier in the same Company of the fifth Regiment and for such services I claim a pension.
S/ James Griffin
Sworn to and Subscribed the 27th of January 1834.
A: S/ McCleland, JP
[On June 4, 1845, in Lowndes County, Ga., Sarah Griffin, 79, filed for a widows pension as the widow of James Griffin; she states that she married James Griffin on April 1 1781 in Edgecombe County North Carolina by publication of bands; that he died December 19, 1836.]
[facts in file: the widow's maiden name was Sarah Lodge; she was born October 23, 1766; she says they lived in Edgecombe County, NC until they had 7 children when they moved to Burke County, Ga., lived there about 5 years, moved to Montgomery County, Ga., lived there also about 5 years, then moved to Irwin County, Ga.; in 1847, the widow was living in Lowndes County, Ga. with her son-in-law, William Bradford.
State of North Carolina, Secretary of State's Office
I William Hill Secretary of State in and for the State aforesaid, do certify that it appears from the musterrolls of the Continental line of this State in the revolutionary war, that James Griffin a Corporal in Captain Blount's Company of the 5th Regiment enlisted on the 1st day of December 1776for three years and was discharged on the 1st of February 1780.
Given under my hand this ninth day of April 1833.
S/ Wm Hill
Birth Date23 Oct 1766
Birth PlaceTarboro, Edgecombe County, North Carolina
Death Date22 Aug 1853 Age: 86
Death PlaceHahira, Lowndes County, Georgia
FlagsMesser Line
Marr Date1 Apr 1790
Marr PlaceEdgecombe County, North Carolina