NameWHITE, Olivia

Birth Date11 May 1920
Birth PlaceForest Home, Butler County, Alabama
Death Date5 Aug 2016 Age: 96
Death PlaceAtlanta, Fulton County, Georgia
Misc. Notes
Olivia White Cave passed away on Friday, August 5, 2016, in Atlanta, Georgia, from complications after a fall at her Atlanta residence. Mrs. Cave, a Paducah resident for over 50 years, was 96 years-old. She died peacefully at Northside Hospital with her daughter, son, and son-in-law by her side. She spoke by phone with her beloved grandson Forrest Cobb of St. Louis, MO, from the hospital emergency room.
Olivia White was born May 11, 1920, in the southern Alabama village of Forest Home to parents Julia Watt White and Shelby Irvine White. She grew up in Huntsville, Alabama, with her brother Addison White, and devoted White family cousins who lived next door. She attended Huntsville High School and in 1942 received her BA degree from Agnes Scott College, Atlanta, Georgia, with majors in chemistry and Latin. After briefly studying in the biochemistry lab at Vanderbilt University, she joined the chemistry lab at Huntsville Arsenal, later known as Redstone Arsenal.
In April 1944, Olivia married Capt. Edward A. Cave, Jr., United States Air Force, and moved to Paducah, her home for life. She was a member of Grace Episcopal Church where, over the years, she served on the Vestry, as Chairman of Christian Education, church school teacher, and Altar Guild Directress. She was also a member of the Diocesan Board of Episcopal Church Women and Partners in Mission.
Mrs. Cave was an active community leader, serving as President of The Charity League, The Civic Beautification Board, United Church Women, The Little Garden Club, and The Paducah Garden Club. She wrote over twenty papers on engaging topics as a member of Kalosophic Club, and she enjoyed the risks and rewards of membership in the investment club known as The Odd Lots.
In addition to caring for her family, Mrs. Cave’s leisure pursuits included golf and duplicate bridge. Travel, with a focus on music and art was her great delight. She was an intrepid world traveler, attended the British Open on multiple occasions, and, at the age of 82, swam with the stingrays on a visit to Grand Cayman.
She is survived by her children Shelby White Cave Cobb (Dr. John Cobb) and Edward Arrold Cave, III (Jeannie Cave); her only grandchild Addison Forrest Cobb; and first cousin Lucy White Waesche. She was predeceased by her brother Addison White and husband Edward A. Cave, Jr.
Birth Date1 Nov 1918
Birth PlacePaducah, McCracken County, Kentucky
Death Date16 Feb 2006 Age: 87
Death PlacePaducah, McCracken County, Kentucky
FlagsMilitary, World War II
Misc. Notes
Ed Cave, who joined the Army Air Corp on April 15, 1941, became a B-24 “Liberator” bomber pilot and participated in the first bombing raid on the Ploesti oil fields in Romania on June 12, 1942. After making his bombing run (plane named the “Blue Goose”) he was forced to land in Turkey at Ankara due to the loss of one engine and fuel. Ed was interned in Turkey until January 1943 when he escaped and eventually arrived in Egypt.
Edward A. "Hawk" Cave Jr., 87, died Thursday. He was a member of Grace Episcopal Church, past commander of Post 31 American Legion, past member of the City Planning and Zoning Board, past president of William Clark Market House Museum, former Boy Scout Leader Troop #23, past president of the Country Club of Paducah and was a Duke of Paducah and a Kentucky Colonel. Survivors include his wife, Olivia White Cave; son, Edward A. Cave III; daughter, Shelby Cave Cobb; grandson, Addison Forrest Cobb, all of Atlanta; sister, Jane Cave Wilson of Eden, N.Y.; and four nieces and two nephews