NameLEIPP, Johannes Orth

Birth Date5 Aug 1696
Birth PlaceReihen Baden-Württemberg Germany ,
Death Date1 Jan 1754 Age: 57
Death PlaceManchester, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
FlagsClarke Line, Immigrant
Misc. Notes
Declaration of Intention, 1727
At a meeting of the Board of the Provincial Council, held at the Court House in Philadelphia, Sept. 21, 1727, one hundred and nine Palatines appeared, who, with their families, numbered about four hundred persons. These were imported into he Province in the ship William and Sarah, William Hill, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Dover, England, as by clearance from the officers of His Majesty's customs there. The said Master being asked if he had any license from the Court of Great Britain for transporting those people, and what their intentions were in coming hither, said that he had no license or allowance for their transportation other than the above clearance, and that he believed they designed to settle in this Province.
All male persons above the age of sixteen did repeat and subscribe their names, or made their mark, to the following Declaration:
" We subscribers, natives and late inhabitants of the Palatinate upon the Rhine and places adjacent, having transported ourselves and families into this Province of Pennsylvania, a colony subject to the crown of Great Britain, in hopes and expectation of finding a retreat and peaceable settlement therein, Do solemnly promise and engage, that we will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His present MAJESTY, KING GEORGE THE SECOND, and His successors, kings of Great Britain, and will be faithful to the proprietor of this Province; and that we will demean ourselves peaceably to all His said Majesty's subjects, and strictly observe and conform to the Laws of England and of this Province, to the utmost of our power and the best of our understanding. "
The ship William & Sarah
Captain: William Hill
From: Rotterdam
By Way of: Dover
Arrival: Philadelphia, 18 Sep 1727
On the manifest of 109 Palatines, along with their families making about 400 persons, there are four families of interest to this family tree.
Each adult passenger 16 years old or above was counted as one freight. Children 4-15 were counted as half-freights and were charged half the price of an adult for passage. Children under 4 were transported for free. The number listed next to each man's name was apparently the number of freights he was responsible for. If he came alone it was usually only one. If there were 3 freights, it might represent a husband, wife, and two children age 4-15; a husband wife, and child 16 or older; or some other such combination. These numbers can therefore give a general idea of the size of the family that was transported on the ship. If someone in the family died at sea, they were not counted in the number of freights for that family.
The abbreviation Con. or Conn. appeared after several of the names on this list was probably indicated they were planning to settle in the Conestoga settlement (listed in the remarks column). Likewise Germt. and Skibach probably refer to the settlements of Germantown and Skippack (also listed in remarks column).
Name, Age (# of Freights)
Place of Origin (Town, Province)
Remarks (USA, Spelling Variations, Occupation, Relationships, etc.)
Johannes Leib, 31
Margretha (Hiertzel)
Johann Jonas, 2
Reihen, Baden
Leyb, Leipp; to Lancaster and York Co, PA.
Ulrich Hertzel, 22 (4)
Reihen, Baden
Hertsell; Skippach; to Montgomery, Bucks & Philadelphia Co, PA.
Rudolff Leib
Maria Agnes (Orth)
Reihen, Baden
Beyl; to York and Lancaster, PA.
Philip Rudisile, 30
Anna Maria (Schopff)
Georg Philip, 2
Weiler, Baden
Rutschly, Rudi Sili, Sily, Sÿlÿ; to Lancaster, PA
Birth Date24 Sep 1702
Birth PlaceReihen Baden-Württemberg Germany ,
Death Dateaft Nov 1769 Age: 67
Death PlaceManchester, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
FlagsClarke Line, Immigrant
Marr Date21 Nov 1724
Marr PlaceReihen Baden-Württemberg Germany ,