NameSOALES, Phillipa

Birth Date28 Feb 1602
Birth PlaceSt. Peters Parish, Sudbury, Suffolk, England
Death Dateabt 1635 Age: 32
Death PlaceCharlestown, Boston, M massachusetts
Flags Sarr Line, Immigrant, Mezera Line
Misc. Notes
Joseph’s and Garret’s paternal 12th great grandmother
Birth Dateabt 1602
Birth PlaceSudbury, Suffolk, England
Death Dateabt 1645 Age: 43
Death PlaceProvidence, Providence County, Rhode Island
Flags Sarr Line, Immigrant, Mezera Line
Misc. Notes
Joseph’s and Garret’s paternal 12th great grandfather
Marr Date11 Aug 1625
Marr PlaceLittle Waldingfield, Suffolk, England