NameCOVINGTON, Nehemiah Sr.

Birth Dateabt 1628
Birth PlaceCoventry, Warwickshire, England
Death Date6 Jun 1681 Age: 53
Death PlaceGreat Monie Creek, Somerset County
FlagsBlack Sheep, Clarke Line, Immigrant, Interesting
Misc. Notes
Nehemiah Covington immigrated into Virginia in 1647, a colorful individual whose life has been well documented in many Delmarva genealogies. From being accused of "thieving of cheeses", and "defaming a women" on the eastern shore of Virginia, as an indentured servant, to High Sheriff in the new county of Somersett, in ye new province of Maryland.
Nehemiah Covington appeared first in Northampton County, Virginia in 1647 , where in March. 1652 he was before the court, and fined, for "incontinence before marriage," and in April 1653 he was again before the court, in trouble with the man to whom he was apparently an indentured servant.
Birth Dateabt 1626
Birth PlaceSomerset County, Maryland
Death DateApr 1667 Age: 41
Death PlaceGreat Monie Creek, Somerset County
FlagsClarke Line
Marr Date10 Jul 1648
Marr PlaceSt Peters, Bedford, Bedfordshire, England