NameALDRED, Clement Jr.

Birth Date25 Sep 1636
Birth PlaceWorstead, Norfolk, England
Death Date19 Jan 1698 Age: 61
Death PlaceWicomico Church, Northumberland County, Virginia
Misc. Notes
The first appearance of Clement Aldridge in public records was in the recording of a court order on 7 April 1668:
“Mt. Rich: Haskins agt Clemt Aldridge
Whereas it appears to this COt yt CLEMENT ALDRIDGE stands indebted to Rich: Haskins in ye sum of six hundred eighty one pounds of Tobacco & Cask it is ordered that ye sd CLEMt ALDRIDGE forthwith pay ye ad sume unto ye sd Mr. Haskins.”
Birth Dateabt 1646
Birth PlaceWorstead, Norfolk, England
Death Date20 Sep 1699 Age: 53
Death PlaceWicomico Church, Northumberland County, Virginia