NameRUDIFORTH, Michael

Birth Date27 Nov 1823
Birth PlaceHolme, Yorkshire, England
Death Date19 Aug 1902 Age: 78
Death PlaceDover, Cuyahoga County, Ohio
FlagsCivil War-USA, Immigrant, Mezera Line, Military
Misc. Notes
Joseph’s and Garret’s paternal 4th Great grandfather
It is understood that the original family name in England was Rutherford but for some unknown reason Michael changed it to Rudiforth.
In 1858 Michael Rudiforth emigrated to the United States and located at Avon, Lorain County, Ohio. His wife followed later with their five oldest children, traveling by sailboat. It took them six weeks to cross the Atlantic. The youngest, Salena, was a tiny baby and the twins, Mary and Anna, who were two years old, became sick and were unable to walk before they reached this country.
On November 19, 1861, Michael enlisted in the U. S. Army and assigned to Company F, 43rd Ohio Infantry Regiment. He was honorably discharged from the service July 13, 1865, and on the 25th of that same month settled in Ottawa County.
For a white Michael Rudiforth carried the mail to and from Cleveland for several post offices, including the Dove Post Office, making the trip with team and two seated wagon two or three times a week.
Birth DateJun 1831
Birth PlaceBarmston, Essex, England
Death Date28 Dec 1906 Age: 75
Death PlaceElyria, Lorain County, Ohio
FlagsImmigrant, Mezera Line
Misc. Notes
Joseph’s and Garret’s paternal 4th Great grandmother
Marr Date5 Jul 1850
Marr PlaceSkipsea, Yorkshire, England