NameMORAN, Fannie

Birth Dateabt 1872
Birth PlaceDresden, Weakley County, Tennessee
Death Date3 May 1955 Age: 83
Death PlaceMonteagle, Franklin County, Tennessee
FlagsEzzell Line, Interesting
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Fannie Moran was the first Democratic national committeewomand.
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James Battle or Benjamin EZZELL
Dies on Sunday
Farm Leader Active In Politics;
Was Member of Fair Board 25 Years
James Benjamin EZZELL, 71, prominent Davidson County farm leader, died at noon Sunday in Madison Sanitarium after an illness of two weeks. He had been in failing health for several months.
A son of Amasa and Mary D. EZZELL, he was born in Greenfield, in West Tennessee, August 1, 1869. He moved to Davidson County about 40 years ago and established himself at Newsom Station, where he became known throughout the state as a leading progressive farmer.
Mr. EZZELL was a member of the Tennessee State Fair Board for a quarter century in charge of the agriculture exhibits at the fair. He retired from this post about three years ago because of poor health.
A score of years ago he was one of a half dozen farm leaders of the county who were instrumental in organizing the farm bureau here. Always devoted to progressive technique in farming, he was the first landowner in this country to grow alfalfa successfully and did much to improve Hereford cattle and the sheep stock in this part of the country.
Mr. EZZELL was also active a number of years ago as a member of the agriculture committee of the Nashville Chamber of Commerce.
He was a potent force in the political organizations of the county and state, although he stood for public office only once.
For 25 years he operated the Ezell Mill and Stone Company of Newsom Station in addition to his farm activities.
Mr. EZZELL was also active in the Cumberland Valley Association seeking the inclusion of this river in the TVA system as a leader in civic and welfare work. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church.