He was born with a gift of laughter.
-- Rafael Sabatini
It's the merry-hearted boys that make the best men!
-- Irish proverb
A boy is Truth with dirt on it's face,
Beauty with a cut on its finger,
Wisdom with bubble gum in its hair,
and the Hope of the future with a frog in its pocket.
A boy's will is the wind's will.
-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
A child reminds us that playtime is an essential part of our daily routine.
A treasure to a little boy does not consist of money, gems or jewelry. He will find far greater pleasure in the wonder of a rock, pebble, stick or beetle.
Boys are God's way of telling you that your house is too neat!
God created boys, full of spirit and fun to explore and conquer, to romp and run.
His laughter... sparkled like a splash of water in sunlight.
-- Joseph Lelyveld
Mothers of little boys work from son up till son down!
-- Author Unknown
My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it.
-- Mark Twain
Of all the animals, the boy is most unmanageable.
-- Plato
Sons are the anchors of a mother's life.
-- Sophocles
Tall oaks from little acorns grow.
-- David Everett
The sweetest roamer is a boy's young heart.
-- George Edward Woodberry
When I grow up I want to be a little boy.
-- Joseph Heller
Historical or Interesting Relations
ALLERTON, Isaac I (~1586 - 1659)
ANDREWS, James Sr. (~1725 - 1798)
ARCHDEACON, Earl Edmond (1495 - >1510)
ARMITAGE, Thomas (1602 - 1668)
ASHBY, Captain Stephen (1747 - 1831)
ASHER, Charles
AUBREY, Kerenhappuch (~1715 - ~1815)
BEAN, Captain William (1702 - 1782)
BRENT, Anne (~1622 - 1646)
BRENT, Governor Giles (~1606 - 1671)
BRENT, Giles (1652 - 1679)
BRENT, Robert ( - 1531)
BREWER, Hannah (1645 - 1697)
BRUMLEY, David B. (1837 - ~1863)
BRUMLEY, William Thomas
BUNSCHOTEN, Elias Van (~1679 - )
BUNSCHOTEN, Elias Van (1738 - 1815)
BUNSCHOTEN, Theunis Eliazen van (1643 - ~1725)
CALVERT, Governor Leonard (~1606 - 1647)
CARROLL, Charles (1737 - 1832)
CARROLL, Jr Daniel Jr (1730 - 1796)
CARROLL, Archbishop John (1735 - 1815)
CARROLL, Thomas King (1793 - 1873)
CARROLL, William Henry Sr. (1788 - 1844)
CARROLL, General William Henry Jr. (~1817 - 1868)
CASSELS, Henry (<1715 - 1785)
CLANTON, Joseph Isaac (Ike) (~1847 - 1887)
CLANTON, Newman Haynes ( - 1881)
CLANTON, William Harrison (1862 - 1881)
de CORNOUAILLE, Duke Hoel II (1031 - 1084)
COWAN, Reverend W. Curtis (~1920 - 2013)
COWDRIE, Margaret Ann (~1610 - ~1650)
CROCKETAGNE, Antoine Dessaure Peronette (1643 - 1735)
CROCKETT, David Stern “Davy” (1786 - 1836)
CURTIS, Mary (1689 - 1801)
DABNEY, Cornelius (D’Aubigne) (1631 - <1694)
D’ANJOU, Count Anjou (1043 - 1109)
DICKEY, Alexander Kidd Sr. (1796 - 1866)
DICKEY, Eleanor
DICKEY, James Lafayette (1923 - 1997)
DICKEY, John Sr. (1703 - 1789)
(DICKEY), Nancy (1872 - 1950)
DURRETT, Joseph Francis
EDELEN, Richard (~1639 - ~1694)
HANCOCK, James Sr. (1745 - 1833)
HANCOCK, William (~1580 - 1624)
HOED, Jasper (1669 - 1740)
HOOD, General John Bell (1831 - 1879)
INNES, Hugh (~1645 - ~1710)
JONES, Dorothy (~1672 - 1755)
JONES, Dorothy Jane (~1672 - 1755)
KITTAMAQUUND, Chief Chitomachen (1607 - 1641)
KITTAMAQUUND, Mary (~1633 - <1666)
KITTAMAQUUND, Chief Uttapoingassinem ( - 1662)
LUYCASZEN, Andries (1595 - 1679)
MAXEY, Jesse (1750 - ca1808)
MUDD, Dr. Samuel Alexander MD (1833 - 1883)
NORWOOD, Col. Henry (1616 - 1668)
NORWOOD, William (1550 - 1632)
POLK, Col. Ezekial Franklin (1747 - 1824)
POLK, President James Knox (1795 - 1849)
POLK, Brig. Gen. Thomas (~1730 - 1794)
RINEY, Zachariah (1763 - 1859)
ROLFE, John Thomas (1585 - 1622)
ROPER, Ephraim Sr. (1644 - 1697)
SAWYER, Thomas Sr. (~1616 - 1706)
SAWYER, Thomas Jr. (1649 - 1736)
SHELBY, Gen. Evan Jr. (1720 - 1794)
SINCLAIR, Margaret (~1791 - 1841)
TIMMONS, Byron Sylvanus (1855 - 1953)
TRIMINGHAM, Gov. John (1590 - 1655)
van der WEL, Laurens Corneliszen (1602 - 1662)
WILLOUGHBY, Capt. Thomas (~1601 - 1657)
WYATT, Edward Sr. (1619 - ~1690)