Wrights & Maxeys of Monroe County, Mississippi - Person Sheet
NameRICHARDSON, Nathaniel
, 10G Grandfather
Birth Date2 Jan 1651
Birth PlaceWoburn, Middlesex County, Massachusetts
Death Date4 Dec 1714 Age: 63
Death PlaceWoburn, Middlesex County, Massachusetts
Misc. Notes
Nathaniel Richardson passed his life in Woburn, and was made a freeman in 1690.
In the great Indian War, known as “King Philip’s War,” he was a soldier in Capt. Prentiss’ troop of horse, and was wounded in the “Great Swamp Fight,” Dec. 19, 1675. Seven other Woburn men, Elijah Tottingham, Caleb Simonds, Zachariah Snow, Lieut. John Wyman, John Baker, Francis Wyman, Jr., and Peter Bateman were wounded in that tremendous encounter, and John Wyman, Jr., a son of Lieut. John Wyman, Francis Wyman, Jr., and Peter Bateman died a few weeks after, probably from wounds then received. Six brave captains fell in the action, and eighty men were killed or mortally wounded. Four hundred were disabled besides the wounded. But of the Indians seven hundred warriors out of four thousand fell that day, and three hundred more died of their wounds or perished from the cold.
Nathaniel Richardson died intestate, Dec. 4, 1714, aged 64. His widow Mary died Dec. 22, 1719.
Birth Dateabt 1656
Birth PlaceWoburn, Middlesex County, Massachusetts
Death Date22 Dec 1719 Age: 63
Death PlaceWoburn, Middlesex County, Massachusetts