NameZUETEL, Kenneth Roy

Birth Date23 Jul 1926
Birth PlaceBerwyn, Cook County, Illinois
Death Date21 Jul 1995 Age: 68
Death PlaceSan Mateo, San Mateo County, California
Birth Date23 Aug 1929
Birth PlaceMichigan
Death Date5 Jul 2005 Age: 75
Death PlaceWalnut, Los Angeles, California
Misc. Notes
Adelle Frances Zuetel, President of CK Products, El Monte, passed into eternal life on July 5, 2005.
Adelle was born on August 23, 1929, the third child of Monroe and Enid Avant (dec.).
Adelle married Kenneth Zuetel, Sr. (dec.) on August 24, 1947 and, together, had five children; Terrie (Krumal), Kenneth Jr., Kimberly (Tarabay), John and William.
Adelle will be greatly missed by her family and her companion, George Aird, for her love, strength and wise counsel. The family plans to scatter her ashes at sea.
Marr Date24 Aug 1947
Div DateAug 1974
Div PlaceLos Angeles, Los Angeles County, California