NameNEWTON, Ethel Lucille

Birth Date30 Sep 1923
Birth PlaceSummit, Muckogee County, Oklahoma
Death Date10 Jul 2000 Age: 76
Death PlaceMuskogee County, Oklahoma
Misc. Notes
Thursday July 20, 2000
ETHEL LUCILLE AVANT was born Sept. 30, 1923 in Summitt, OK to Guy and Mamie (Bryant) Newton, and died July 10 in the Muskogee Regional Medical Center.
Survivors include two sons, Gary Avant of Oktaha, and Mike Avant of Okmulgee; two sisters, Cleta Owens of Eufaula, and Ellen Harris of Oktaha; a brother, Ed Cothren of Muskogee; two grrandsons, one granddaughter, and one great-granddaughter.
Birth Date13 Jun 1915
Birth PlaceSequoyah County, Oklahoma
Death Date23 Feb 1975 Age: 59
Death PlaceChecotah, McIntosh County, Oklahoma
FlagsServed in the Military, World War II
Misc. Notes
Born June 13, 1915, in Sequoyah County, Ayant died Sunday in a Muskogee hospital.
A World War Two veteran, he was employed as a farmer and service station operator in Oktaha. He had been a resident of this area since 1929.
Survivors include his wife, Lucille of the home; two sons, Mike of Muskogee and Gary of the home; his mother Mrs. Ethel Avant of Checotah and a sister, Mrs. Florence Parker of Wilson.
Marr Date2 Feb 1946
Marr PlaceMuskogee County, Oklahoma