NameAVEN, Amos Wesley
, GGG Grandson
Birth Date25 Dec 1844
Birth PlaceHollow Rock, Carroll County, Tennessee
Death Date30 Sep 1931 Age: 86
Death PlaceCoffeeville, Yalobusha County, Mississippi
FlagsCivil War-CSA, Interesting Facts, Served in the Military
Misc. Notes
Served with Company D, 48th Mississippi Infantry, CSA.
Family Lore: Aven was at Appomattox during the surrender signing. He had been wounded in war in the head; a silver dollar was put in his wound to fix it.He was missing for a long time, but eventually walked his way home.
The 48th Mississippi Infantry finished the war at Appomattox. Its previous campaigns were Siege of Petersburg, Cold Harbor, Gettysburg, Chancellorsville and Fredericksburg.
Birth Dateabt 1846
Birth PlaceSouth Carolina
Marr Dateabt 1865
Marr PlaceCalhoun County, Mississippi
Birth Date9 Aug 1852
Birth PlaceNorth London, Stanly County, North Carolina
Death Date4 Aug 1898 Age: 45
Death PlaceBig Creek, Calhoun County, Mississippi
Birth Date23 Feb 1870
Birth PlaceMississippi
Death Date23 Sep 1926 Age: 56
Death PlaceCoffeeville, Yalobusha County, Mississippi
ChildrenBlanch (Died as Child) (~1901-<1910)