NameMOORE, Mary Margaret

Birth Dateabt 1735
Birth PlaceNorthampton County, North Carolina
Death Date4 Mar 1801 Age: 66
Death PlaceChatham County, North Carolina
Misc. Notes
Some say John Avent’s wife's surname was Carey, but there seems to be no documentation for this.
Birth Date12 Jan 1734
Birth PlaceNorthampton County, North Carolina
Death Date10 Dec 1821 Age: 87
Death PlaceChatham County, North Carolina
Misc. Notes
John Avent settled on the north side of the Cape Fear river and established a ferry called
Avent Ferry around 1775, which ran until it was replaced by a bridge in 1928 (the ferry site can easily be located on a map, in Chatham Co. where Rt. 42 crosses the Cape Fear river.). His brother Joseph settled on the south side. The river divides these branches of the family to this day.
Marr Dateabt 1760
Marr PlaceNorthampton County, North Carolina