NameAVEN, Clayton Lowery Sr.
, GGGG Grandson
Birth Date19 Jul 1877
Birth PlaceCeleste, Hunt County, Texas
Death Date3 Nov 1950 Age: 73
Death PlaceElectra, Wichita County, Texas
Misc. Notes
CLAYTON L. AVEN. All of his life with the exception of a five year period spent in Oklahoma, has been passed in Texas, his birth state, and Clayton L. Aven feels himself, as a result thereof, allied with the best interests of his state and his home community, as indeed, he has been ever since he reached years of maturity.
One of those sturdy and independent natures who could never brook the tedium of working for others, he has since he was twenty-two years old, been the manager and head of a business enterprise of his own.
He came to Electra, TX in 1908 and here established himself in the real estate and insurance business, and is one of the extensive operators of the community, handling his own property and deals in real estate.
Born in Hunt county on July 19, 1877, Clayton L. Aven is the son of Francis H. and Julia E. (Hightower) Aven, natives of Virginia and Texas, respectively. The father came overland to Texas after the Civil war, and for many years here he followed farming and contracting. He now resides on his farm in Hunt county. It should also be stated that he gave valiant service in a Virginia regiment during the Civil war.
The wife and mother died at the early age of forty years, when Clayton Aven was only a small child. She was a devout Christian woman, of excellent character and much loved of all who knew her, long a member of the Methodist church in which she was an enthusiastic and active worker.
Nine children were born to the parents, the subject of this review being the third born in a family of ten children, six of whom are deceased. The early education of Clayton L. Aven was secured in the public schools of Hunt county, where he was born, and for the most part reared, and he also was favored with a high school course of study. At the age of eighteen he started out independently to make his way in the world, having up to that time been the main assistant of his father on the home place. When he left home he applied himself to the business of learning the trade of a barber, and he followed that work for about ten years. Until he was twenty-two years old he worked for wages but at that time he established a business of his own, it being no part of his intention to continue as a mere hireling any longer than was absolutely necessary. Since that time he has been the master of hisown fortunes.
He conducted a barber shop successfully in Hugo, Okla., until 1907, when he came to Electra, and here identified himself with the real estate and insurance business. He conducts a general insurance business, but in realty matters handles his own property as well as dealing in realty. He is the representative of the Southwestern Life Insurance Company of Dallas, one of the strongest companies in the state, and other lines also are exploited by him. His success here has been little short of phenomenal, and he is undeniably the leading operator in his line of activity in Electra.
Mr. Aven was married at Hugo, Oklahoma, on April 1, 1902, to Miss Bertha M. Phillips, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam T. Phillips now of Ardmore, Oklahoma, but formerly of Missouri. Four children have been born to them, — three daughters and one son: Catholine, the 3rd born, is now deceased, and Velma Marie the 4th, died in infancy. The two surviving children are Frances Augusta the first born, and Clayton L., Jr., the second in order of birth. Mrs. Aven and children while inclined to a liberal view in the matter of church going, with a willingness to admit the good of all sects, lean toward the Methodist church. Mr. Aven is a member of the Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pythias and the Modern Woodmen of America.
Politically he takes an independent stand, and on occasions takes an active part in county and state politics, when interests are at stake that he feels entitled to his support as a citizen. He is a man who finds his chief pleasure in his business and his home, but he is fond of reading, and is not averse to the pleasures of the drama on occasion. His position in Electra is one of the most stable order, and he stands high with his fellows in business and social circles alike.
BROWNFIELD, Nov. 6. (Special)—
Aven, a veteran insurance man, died at his home in Electra Friday morning after a long illness. His son is manager of the Terry County Lumber company here. A native of Celeste, Hunt County, Aven moved to Electra in 1907 to operate a barber shop in partnership with his brother, Gaston Aven. He entered the insurance business three years later.
Besides the son of Brownfield, he is survived by his wife. Mrs. Ella Aven, Electra; two daughters, Mrs. J. A. Brady, Butler, Pa., and Mrs. Frank Goodnight, Henderson; a step-daughter, Mrs. A. C. Woodward, Lamesa; four brothers, four sisters, and six grandchildren.
Birth Date2 Jul 1883
Birth PlaceMissouri
Death Date31 Oct 1961 Age: 78
Death PlaceDallas, Dallas County, Texas