NameMAPLES, Sarah Jane 
Birth Date19 Mar 1838
Birth PlaceWoodville, Jackson County, Alabama
Death Date9 Feb 1877 Age: 38
Death PlaceLafayette Springs, Lafayette County, Mississippi
Birth Date5 Sep 1799
Birth PlaceHalifax County, North Carolina
Death Date17 Oct 1878 Age: 79
Death PlaceLafayette County, Mississippi
FlagsCivil War-CSA, Interesting Facts, Slave Owner
Misc. Notes
Benjamin moved to Lafayette, Oxford, Mississippi, between 1838-1840.
Faulkner's County, by Don H. Doyle:
“Few were more notable for their success than the Avent family, whom many think inspired aspects of Faulkner's Snopes saga. There were several families in the area with the name Avent or Avant. The Avents we are concerned with came from a pioneer family from North Carolina that settled in the eastern part of Lafayette Co. around 1839. Benjamin Avent, the family patriarch, fatherd 14 children with his first wife and 4 more with his 2nd wife, the last when he was 76 years of age.
Though this part of the county was comparatively hilly and less fertile, land was cheap and plentiful. Benjamin Avent farmed the land and garnered considerable property; by 1860 he claimed ownership of 11 slaves and $19,000 in real estate and personal property. The Avent clan remained numerous, most of the still farming the land at the turn of the century.
It was Benjamin Avent 's grandson, Thomas Wesley Avent, born in 1859, who in midlife began the migration from the hill country into Oxford Town. He had been farming land in the area around Liberty Hill, a small rural church in the NE quarter of the county. Judging from his holdings, T.W. Avent was more Varner than Snopes. He owned some 2000 acres and operated a cotton gin. In 1883 Avent married Sidney Parks, the daughter of another large and successful family in Beat Two. Their union was prolific. Thomas and Sidney Avent had 15 children,”
Marr Date23 Nov 1864
Marr PlaceLafayette County, Mississippi