NamePRICE, Thomas Jefferson

Birth Date10 Oct 1833
Birth PlaceSouth Carolina
Death Date2 May 1862 Age: 28
Death PlacePleasant Hill, Lincoln County, Mississippi
FlagsCivil War-CSA, Served in the Military
Misc. Notes
Birth Date30 Apr 1829
Birth PlaceMississippi
Death Date6 Apr 1919 Age: 89
Death PlacePleasant Hill, Lincoln County, Mississippi
Misc. Notes
Mrs. Thos. J. Price, Nearing Age of 90 Years, Passes Away Near Pleasant Hill.
Sister Lydia Price of the Pleasant Hill church neighborhood departed this life at 8 o'clock Sunday evening, April the 6th, 1919. She was born April 30th, 1829. Had she lived 24 days more she would have been 90 years old.
She was married to Thomas J. Price, Feb. 1854, her husband having been killed in the Civil War in 1862, leaving her a widow with one son and five daughters.
She united with the Pleasant Hill Baptist church in the 60's and remained a faithful and earnest member until death.
She was stricken with paralysis January 30th, from which she never recovered. The deceased made her home with her only son, Joe A Price, since 1859.
The funeral was preached by her pastor, assisted by Rev. W. R. Johnston, before a large and sorrowing congregation, and her remains were laid away beside her soldier husband in the family grave-yard at the C. H. Brister place four miles east of Bogue Chitto.
She leaves behind one aged brother and sister with four daughters and one son, Bro. Joe. A Price, Mrs. Julia Burns, Elizabeth Rawlins, Josephine Roberts and Adelia Buie Brister. Grandchildren living 41, dead 23; great grand children, living, 100; dead, 27; great great grandchildren, living, 4; dead, 1; total living descendants, 169; 33 dead.