The Hood Family of Webster County, Mississippi - Person Sheet
The Hood Family of Webster County, Mississippi - Person Sheet
Namevan der WEL, Aefje , 7G Grandmother
Birth Dateabt 1624
Birth PlaceNieuw Amsterdam, Nieuw Nederland (New York, New York)
Death Dateabt 700 Age: <1
Death PlaceNew York, New York
MotherTHYSSEN, Lysbeth (~1608->1661)
1ANDRIESZEN, Luykas , 7G Grandfather
Birth Dateabt 1625
Birth PlaceFredrikstadvej, Aalborg, Denmark
Death Dateabt 1700 Age: 75
Death PlaceNew York, New York
FatherLUYCASZEN, Andries (1595-1679)
MotherSEBYNS, Jannetje (~1597-1676)
Marr Date20 May 1655
Marr PlaceNew York, New York
Last Modified 29 Jun 2022Created 13 Apr 2023 by Robert Avent