Timmons-Mayhall - Person Sheet
NameKIRBY, Nancy Jane 
Birth Date14 Oct 1785
Birth PlaceAlbemarle County, Virginia
Death Date4 Oct 1858 Age: 72
Death PlaceCole County, Missouri
Birth Date19 Oct 1785
Birth PlaceCaswell County, North Carolina
Death Date21 Mar 1861 Age: 75
Death PlaceElston, Cole County, Missouri
Misc. Notes
James ANTHONY (c.1759-1793) and Elizabeth CORDER (c.1761-1793) were part of a group of settlers who were massacred near the Cumberland Gap by Chickamauaga warriors.
Massacre on the Boone Trace: ANTHONY and CORDER families
"On March 26, 1793, Colonel Whitley received word of another massacre on the Boone Trace, five miles south of the Hazel Patch [in Laurel Co.]. With a company of rangers, he hurried to the scene where a party consisting of nine men, two women and eight children, led by James McFarland, had been ambushed as they were riding along the Trace. The men had dismounted and, in close formation, returned the fire of the Indians holding the attackers off for about 15 minutes. After that the attacking Indians had moved in and killed or made prisoners of all of the party but four. Colonel Whitley tracked the Indians to their camp, scattered them and rescued a little girl and recovered much of the stolen goods."
Lewis Corder ANTHONY, who was eight at the time was one of the surviving children.
James Anthony's younger sister Jane Anthony, Lewis’ aunt, also died there that day.
Marr Dateabt 1804
Marr PlaceTennessee