Timmons-Mayhall - Person Sheet
NameFREDERICK, Mary Drucilla
Birth Date3 Feb 1747
Birth PlaceSouth Carolina
Death Date2 Jun 1827 Age: 80
Death PlaceSouth Carolina
Birth Date15 Jan 1743
Birth PlacePurrysburg, Jasper County, South Carolina
Death Date22 Oct 1779 Age: 36
Death PlaceSavannah, Chatham County, Georgia
Misc. Notes
was a native of Beaufort District and as Officer in the 3rd Regiment of the South Carolina line of troops raised for Continental Service during the war of the revolution.
Whilst leading on his Soldier to the assault made by General Lincoln on the British lines, at Siege of Savannah on the 9th day of October 1779 he received a wound from a musket shot of which he died in a few days aged 34 years. His body was brought home to his afflicted friends.