Timmons-Mayhall - Person Sheet
NameSLOCUM, Mary
, 7G Grandmother
Birth Date8 Jul 1660
Birth PlacePortsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island
Death Date25 Sep 1689 Age: 29
Death PlaceDartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts
Birth Date13 Dec 1653
Birth PlaceDartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts
Death Date26 Sep 1725 Age: 71
Death PlaceDartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts
Misc. Notes
The Tuckers were
Quakers, early proprietor of Dartmouth. Abraham Tucker had a farm at Clark's Cove at the northeast corner of Colvin's or Durfee Neck, on the east side of the Aponagansett River. His second wife, Hannah Mott, was a niece of his first wife, the daughter of her sister Joanna who married Jacob Mott.