Timmons-Mayhall - Person Sheet
Timmons-Mayhall - Person Sheet
NameCRIDLAND, Ellen , 10G Grandmother
Birth Dateabt 1560
Birth PlaceSpaxton, Somerset, England
Death Date20 Jun 1646 Age: 86
Death PlaceOld Cleeve, Somerset, England
1BICKHAM, Aldred , 10G Grandfather
Birth Dateabt 1560
Birth PlaceOld Cleeve, Somerset, England
Death Date2 Feb 1610 Age: 50
Death PlaceOld Cleeve, Somerset, England
Misc. Notes
Several records show his surname as Bycommbe which his will uses to refer to his sons as William Bycommbe and Aldred Bycommbe. His wife's will refers to the same two sons as William Bickman and Aldren Bickman.
Marr Date15 Jun 1580
Marr PlaceSpaxton, Somerset, England
ChildrenCharity (~1590-1643)
Last Modified 24 Jul 2011Created 26 Jul 2021 by Robert Avent