Timmons-Mayhall - Person Sheet
Timmons-Mayhall - Person Sheet
Birth Dateabt 1750
Birth PlaceVirginia
Death Datebet 1810 to 1823 Age: 60
Death PlaceFranklin County, Georgia
FatherPRESTRIDGE, John Sr. (1729-1791)
Misc. Notes
2nd Generation in the United States
Descendants of John Prestidge
John Prestridge Jr. and Elizabeth Walters had the following children:
10 i. Larkin5 Prestridge
◦ Born: about 1774, Virginia
◦ Died: Tuesday, 10 August 1858, Cherokee County, Texas
◦ Age at Death: 83 years
◦ Burial: Lariss, Cherokee County, Texas
17 ii. Letty Prestidge
◦ Born: Monday, 09 December 1776, Virginia
◦ Died: Tuesday, 08 June 1824, Amite county, Mississippi
◦ Age at Death: 47 years, 5 months, 30 days
◦ Burial: 3 miles south of Mars Hill Baptist Church, Amite County, Mississippi
11 iii. Nancy Prestridge
◦ Born: Tuesday, 1 January 1778, Virginia
◦ Died: Saturday, 16 June 1860, Yazoo County, Mississippi
◦ Age at Death: 82 years, 5 months, 15 days
◦ Burial:
13 iv. Hannah Prestridge
◦ Born: about 1782, Virginia
◦ Died: about 1823, Amite County, Mississippi
◦ Age at Death: about 36 years
◦ Burial:
14 v. Lucy Prestridge
◦ Born: about 1784
◦ Died:
◦ Age at Death:
◦ Burial:
12 vi. Samuel Prestridge
◦ Born: about 1788, Virginia
◦ Died: after 1850, before 1860, Mississippi or Texas
◦ Age at Death: about 67 years
◦ Burial: Tombstone in Shiloh Cemetery, Robertson County, Texas
15 vii. John Prestridge III
◦ Born: about 1790, Virginia
◦ Died: between 1818 and 1831
◦ Age at Death:
◦ Burial:
18 viii. Howell Prestridge
◦ Born: Tuesday, 10 July 1792, Georgia
◦ Died: Saturday, 28 January 1860, Jackson Parish, Louisiana
◦ Age at Death: 67 years, 6 months, 18 days
◦ Burial:
19 ix. Joseph W. Prestridge
◦ Born: Friday, 1 August 1794, Georgia
◦ Died: Monday, 25 July 1836, North Carolina
◦ Age at Death: 41 years, 11 months, 24 days
◦ Burial:
16 x. Michael Prestridge (Now considered not a family member)
◦ Born: about 1797

◦ He married twice.
◦ He married Sarah Ann Barnes.
◦ He married Melly Gordon
◦ Marriage: 11 April 1815, Marion County, Mississippi

Notes and Supporting Information:

"The Oath of Allegiance "
On the 27th September 1777.

"I do swear that I renounce and refuse all allegiance to George III, King of Great Britain, his heirs and successors, and that I will be faithful and bear the true allegiance to the Commonwealth of Virginia, as a free and independent state, and that I will not at any time do or cause to be done any injurious to the freedom and independence thereof; as declared by Congress; and that I will discover and make known to the some one justice of the peace for the said state all treasons or traitorous conspiracies which I now and hereafter shall know to be formed against this or any of the United States of America."

John Prestridge


In 1785 John Prestage was taxed in part of Wilkes Co., GA

[Davison - Early Records of GA, Vol.1 and II - p. 305 #312]
"Prestridge (or Prestage) John Prestage was taxed 1785 in part of Wilkes County that became Elbert county. He and his wife Elizabeth sold to Adam Simmons, land on Beaverdam Creek on Broad River granted to John in 1783.


Frank Parker Hudson, Abstracts of the 1790 Tax Returns, Wilkes Co., GA, District Y, Captian Carter's District
John Prestidge - - 800 acres


Book GG, page 555 JOHN PRESTIDGE and wife ELIZABETH, of Wilkes Co., GA, on May 4, 1791, deeded to Adam Simmons and wife 750 acres on Little Beaver Dam of Broad river originally granted in 1787 to said Prestidge.

Note: Compare this record with the one listed below in 1794. Notice that the dates are different, but it appears both documents are in reference to the same land deeded to Adams Simmons and wife.


On this same date as the deed between John and his wife to Adam Simmons and his wife, John and Elizabeth Walters Prestidge executed the following deed of gift to their children prior to their move from Wilkes Co. to Olgethrope Co., GA :

Deed of Gift

"Know all men by these presents that I JOHN PRESTIDGE of Wilkes County in the State of Georgia, Parental care and natural affection we these unto inducing have this day freely granted and bestowed to my beloved children hereafter named the following articles being of my own proper good and Chattels viz: to Larkin Prestidge, my Eldest son, I give a gray mare and one Yearling Colt and one Spring Colt the increase of the mare, branded on the near shoulder and Buttock "L" and one dunn Cow and Calf marked with a Cross and two slits in each ear. To Samuel Prestidge, my second son, I give a black mare five years old Branded on the near shoulder and Buttock with a small "L" a Cow called Hart and her Calf and one Rifle gun, To John, my third son, I give a set of Black Smith Tools, one Wagon and Gears, one yearling Mare Colt and four three grass Steers Marked with a cross and two slits in each ear. To Lette Prestidge, my oldest daughter, I give a cow called Damsel and her yearling and three Peweter plates and a dish, To Nancy Prestidge, my second daughter, I give a Cow called Pidey and her calf and three pewter plates and a dish, To Hannah Prestidge, my third daughter, I give a Cow called Sady and her calf, one Bed of furniture and five Pewter Basins. To Lucy Prestidge, my fourth daughter, I give a sorrel horse seven years old branded on the shoulder and Buttock "L' and Cow called Slim and yearling and bed and furniture and three pewter places And to these articles and such above mention I do forever quit, relinquish, give up all right, Title, Claim or demand giving granting and bestowing them as above and their increase of the said Chattels to my above named children and their heirs and administrators. In testimony we hereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this fourth day of May and in the year of Our Lord One thousand seven hundred and ninety one and fifteenth year of the Sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America."


Witness: J. Moore, J.P. and Winney Simmons.
Registered the 3rd of August 1791


John Prestridge
104 Acres Pittsylvania 6 Aug 1792 Grants 26, p. 707

Henry Lee Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia;
To all to whom these presents shall come Greeting know ye that in consideration of the ancient composition of ten shillings sterling paid by John Prestridge into the Treasury of this Commonwealth; There is granted by the said Commonwealth unto the said John Prestridge, as certain tract or parcel of Land containing one hundred and four acres by survey bearing date the twenty ninth day of January one thousand seven hundred and ninety one, lying and being in the County of Pittsylvania on the branches of Birches Creek, and bounded as followeth, to wit, Beginning at the said Prestridges corner white oak thence along Dodsons line North fifty five degrees West one hundred and fifty poles crossing a Branch to apine near the Road thence along Hardys line, South seventeen degrees West forty six poles to apine South fifty four degrees West one hundred and twenty poles crossing a Branch to pointers on an old Path, thence along William Herrings line South seventy two degrees and ahalf, East one hundred and twenty six poles to apine, South twenty eight degrees West thirty poles to apine in the said Prestridges former lines and thence along the same North fifty three and ahalf degrees East one hundred and sixty poles crossing two Branches to the Beginning. With its Appurtenances to Have and to hold the said tract or parcel of Land; with its appurtenances to the said John Prestridge and his Heirs for ever. In witness whereof the said Henry Lee Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia hath here unto set his hand and caused the lesser seal of the said Commonwealth to be Affixed at Richmond on the Sixth day of August in the year of our Lord on thousand seven hundred and ninety two, and of the Commonwealth the seventieth.

Henry Lee

Reprinted from Records of the Virginia State Library


Davis, The Wilkes County papers, 1773 - 1833:
"Adams Simmons, Grantor to John Prestridge, Grantee -- Deed, 6 June 1792.
Adam Simmons and Rebecca Simmons to John Prestridge and wife Elizabeth, all of Wilkes, 750 acres surveyed 4 July 1785 by John Talbot for John Prestridge to whom it was ori. granted, on Little Beaverdam creek, Broad River, adj. Alford Tillet, Tolllifer, and Simmons... Recorded in Bk. LL, fos. 101-103, 25 March 1794.


March 1, 1794 -- Oglethrope Co., GA
John Prestidge: "s(outh) fork on Brake River -- 150 acres to Wm. Harman."


1794 Listed as members of Hepzibah Baptist Church at Beaverdam Creek, Pendleton District (Oconne County) South Carolina, near the village of Townvill. Hepzibah Baptist church was constituted from members of Shoel Creek Baptist Church, and many members lived across the Tugaloo River, in Pendleton District, SC. John and Elizabeth Prestige are include in the listing of members of Shoel Creek Baptist Church, Franklin Co., GA 1796-1804.

In June 1797, John and Elizabeth dismissed "for constitution." The group met Nov. 1799, Shoal Creek for convenience. Met at Beaver Dam meeting house.

After June 1797, when they are dismissed from the Church "for constitution." no listing was found that included both John and Elizabeth Prestidge. The East Fork Church (Amite Co., MS) record, dated August 18, 1810, seems to indicate that John Prestige and Elizbeth did not move to Amite county, MS. Those mentioned in the East Fork Baptist Church record are probably their son John Prestidge and his wife Ally/Alsy, Hannah Denman, their daughter.


John and Elizabeth Prestrigg are listed as members of Shoal Creek Baptist Church in Franklin Co. GA in the time frame 1796-1804

(Townsend's SOUTH CAROLINA BAPTISTS 1670-1805).
This church became Chauga Baptist Church of Oconee Co. SC in 1811 (because by then, more members lived on the other side of the Tugaloo River?).


Oglethrope Co., GA, DeedsBook C, p 16 - - filed 1798
November 13, 1796 -
Grantor: JOHN PRESTAGE to Jackob Everhart - - 200 acres south fork Broad River.


History of Frankin Co., GA - - List of Salve Owners, 1798 within Dist. 7:
John Pristedge - 3


Franklin Co., A Tax Digest, vol 1 1798-1807

page 9
John Prestridge
300 acres
page 15
John Prestridge
Franklin Co.
page 34
John Prestridge
50 a.
Hudson River
page 50
John Prestridge
100 a
Hudson River
Jno. Prestridge
170 a
page 136
Jno. Prestridge
100 a
page 159
John Prestridge
200 a.
Hudson River


Information on Some Georgia Pioneers - Maddox.
Family Heads in 1805 Georgia
John Prestridge with Eliz in Franklin City; s/o Jno.


1805 Georgia Lottery:
John Prestridge - Franklin Co.
Joshua Prestridge - Franklin Co.
Larkin Prestridge - Franklin Co.


GA Bounty Grants
Jno. Prestige
Jno. Prestidge


Franklin Co., GA --
John Prestidge to Edward Oxford -- County of Franklin, July 16, 1808 - land formerly in Baldwin, now in Jones Co., 202 ½ acres -- 9th Dist.


John Prestridge is listed on Allison Creek, Franklin Co., Georgia in 1810.


Franklin Co., GA Tax Digest, Vol. 2, 1808 - 1818

p. 19
200 acres
Hudson River
Jno. Prestridge
p. 80
80 acres
Hudson River
Jno. Prestridge
p. 108
100 acres
Hudson River
Jno Prestridge
p. 147
80 acres
Hudson River
John Prestridge
100 acreS
Hudson River
John Prestridge
p. 217
50 acres
Hudson River
70 acres
Hudson River

Prestridge land on Hudson River is mentioned until 1823, suggesting that one of the Prestridges remained in Georgia. This along with the above 1810 and 1813 Tax records indicates that John and Elizabeth stayed in Georgia and seems to answer the question that has puzzled researchers for years about whether or not they emigrated to Mississippi about 1810 with their children.
Birth Dateabt 1755
Birth PlaceVirginia
Death Dateabt 1850 Age: 95
Marr Date1773
Marr PlaceVirginia
ChildrenLarkin (1775-1858)
Last Modified 26 Jun 2012Created 26 Jul 2021 by Robert Avent