Timmons-Mayhall - Person Sheet
NameDEVEROUS, Priscilla 
Birth Date1660
Birth PlaceIreland
Death Date1723 Age: 63
Death PlaceWorcester County, Maryland
Misc. Notes
Both William and Priscilla were indentured servants.
Birth Dateabt 1656
Birth PlaceIreland
Death Date7 Jun 1707 Age: 51
Death PlaceOriole, Somerset County, Maryland
Misc. Notes
1680 March 27: William and Priscilla were given their freedom per Land Records Patent WC# 2, pp 346-347, Maryland Hall of Records
Know all men by these presence that we (viz) namely William and Priscilla Timmons, Thomas Bell and Richard Flowers, do assign and set over to James Sangster of the County of Sommerset and Province of Maryland our full rights, title and in...terest of our several rights to fifty acres of land due for our freedom and transportation. (Viz) namely We the said William and Priscilla for our transportation, Thomas Bell for my transportation due me, the said Richard Flowers for my freedom to the Sr. James Sangster, his heir, executors, and assigns to have and to hold Sr. James Sangster, our full rights from this day forward., forever. Then as witness our hand and seal this 27 March 1680. Signed, William Timmins, Richard Flowers, Priscilla Timmins, Thomas Bell. Witnesses: James Benston and William Benston.
Source: Land Records Patent WC# 2, pp 346-347, Maryland Hall of Records
Marr Date1679
Marr PlaceEngland