NameGWATHMEY, Owen Sr.

Birth Date7 Dec 1725
Birth PlaceSt. Stephens Parish, King and Queen County, Virginia
Death Date21 Sep 1776 Age: 50
Death PlaceSt Stephens Church, King and Queen County, Virginia
FlagsAmerican Revolution War, Military
Misc. Notes
Sheriff of King William County, Virginia in 1776 and served short time as a Revolutionary soldier.
He was given "The Meadows" plantation by his father.
In 1797 he and his family moved to Jefferson County, Kentucky and then later to Louisville where he was cashier of the Bank of Kentucky.
Birth Date9 Jun 1726
Birth PlacePresque Isle, King William County, Virginia
Death Date7 May 1754 Age: 27
Death PlaceSt Stephens Church, King and Queen County, Virginia
Marr Date1746
Marr PlacePresque Isle, King William County, Virginia