NameGWATHMEY, Richard

Birth Dateabt 1699
Birth PlaceGloucester Courthouse, Virginia
Death Dateabt 1755 Age: 56
Death PlaceVirginia
Misc. Notes
Richard Gwathmey does not appear in the parish records as being baptised as a child of Owen Gwathmey and Hannah Temple Gwathmey. Other records show that he was the oldest son (he inherited, for one thing).
Parish records for Abingdon Parish, Gloucester Co., Virginia, are lost (burned) for the years 1691, 1692, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697, and 1740. Richard was apparently born during that time and other children may also have been born.
Richard and Diana were at Canterbury (King & Queen County) about 1720.
Besides the three children listed in this data base there were apparently 4 other daughters who remained unmarried. This information wa sobtained from Caroline Gwathmey Jones, eighth generation to live in Canterbury, in 1998.
Birth Date14 Mar 1700
Birth PlaceGloucester Courthouse, Virginia
Death Dateabt 1760 Age: 59
Death PlaceKing and Queen County, Virginia
Marr Dateabt 1721
Marr PlaceHanover County, Virginia