Will - Person Sheet
Will - Person Sheet
NameMcGARRH, Mary , GGGG Grandmother
Birth Dateabt 1827
Birth PlaceTallapoosa County, Alabama
Death PlaceLodi, Montgomery County, Mississippi
FatherMcGARRH, William III (~1805-~1850)
MotherMcKEE, Nancy (~1803-~1850)
1HOOD, Austin III , GGGG Grandfather
Birth DateSep 1823
Birth PlaceFlorence, Lauderdale County, Alabama
MemoNow Muscle Shoals, Alabama
Death Date29 Mar 1907 Age: 83
Death PlaceWebster County, Mississippi
Burial Date31 Mar 1907
Burial PlaceOld Concord Cemetery, Embry, Webster County, Mississippi
FatherHOOD, William II (~1800-1844)
MotherHOOD, Martha (1784-1865)
Misc. Notes
Carried the mail on horseback between Tuscaloosa and another Alabama town. He was a plantation overseer in slave days in Tallapoosa County, Alabama, for a man named Spencer Moore and also for a Dr. Kimbrell. He served in the cavlary with General Nathan Bedford Forrest during the Civil War.

He moved to Mississippi in 1850 and built a log house near Lindsey Creek.

Austin and his brother, Mathew, married the McGarrh sisters.
Marr Date1844
Marr PlaceTallapoosa County, Alabama
ChildrenFrancis Marion (1845-1891)
 Austin Madison (1849-1913)
 Mary (1849-1880)
 Charles (Died as Infant) (~1854-)
 John David (1860-1944)
 William Osborn (1862-1937)
 Walter Lawrence (1865-1918)
 Arminta Elizabeth (1847-1935)
Last Modified 20 Oct 2002Created 9 Nov 2020 by Robert Avent