NameWRIGHT, Thelma O’Clay Louise
, G Grandaunt
Birth Date9 Sep 1915
Birth PlaceMonroe County, Mississippi
Death Date8 Feb 2000 Age: 84
Death PlaceAmory, Monroe County, Mississippi
Misc. Notes
Called "Tebba" or "San" Thelma was a graduate of the Becker School and a homemaker for her whole life.
She was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star and the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen Ladies Auxiliary. She was a charter member of St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church and member of the Caring Sunday School class.
Birth Date19 Jun 1913
Birth PlaceMississippi
Death Date26 Mar 1975 Age: 61
Death PlaceAmory, Monroe County, Mississippi
Burial PlaceMasonic Cemetery, Amory, Mississippi
OccupationFrisco Railroad
Cause of DeaHeart Attack
Misc. Notes
Forney enlisted in the Army Air Corps as a private on November 3, 1942, at the Columbus Air Field. He was discharged on October 30, 1945.
He worked in the Kentucky coal mines for several years before returning home were he worked for the Frisco Railroad.
Marr Date25 Dec 1935 
Marr PlaceAmory, Monroe County, Mississippi