Misc. Notes
The Wests settled on a farm south of Tremont in the Asbury community of Itawamba County, in 1839, moving from Morengo County, Alabama.
Simon Herick West purchased 150 acres August 5, 1841 in Itawamba County, his chain carriers were JAMES WEST, Thomas Thompson, Aaron May & Jeremiah Jobe. JAMES WEST also purchased property the same time, his chain carriers were Simon H. West, Thomas Thompson, Isaiah Lindsey, Williamson R. Strecks.
Note: The Gilmore-Evans Cemetery south of Tremont is also known as Old Asbury, not to be confused the current Asbury Cemetery located nearby.
Birth Date3 Apr 1799
Birth PlaceNorth Carolina
Death Dateabt 1886 Age: 86
Death PlaceTremont, Itawamba County, Mississippi
Burial PlaceTremont, Itawamba County, Mississippi
Misc. Notes
Simon and Nancy stayed in Dallas County for about eight years (1822-1830) then moved to Marengo County, Alabama, and remained there for about 10 years (1830-1840). They then moved to Itawamba County, Mississippi, around 1840 where they lived till their deaths.
Marr Date12 Dec 1823 
Marr PlaceDallas County, Alabama