Thomas Carroll enlisted in the 2nd PA Battalion under the command of Colonel Arthur St. Clair. On Feb 16, 1776, Col. St. Clair was ordered to arm 4 companies of his battalion and march them on, as fast as they were ready, to Canada. (PA Archives, 2nd, 10 p. 69). Thomas Carroll marched as a sergeant of Capt. William Butler's Company. This company enlisted in the vicinity of Greensburg, Westmoreland County, PA. The roll is given of the company " as they stood at Ticonderoga", dated Jan. 5. 1777 to 1781, in the Company of Captain William Gray.
He is on the muster roll of this company "as it stood when paid at Carlisle in April 1781." PA Arc 2nd, 10 p. 501).
His name is on a list of non-commissioned officers and man as Private Thomas Carroll, on 1781, signed the famous petition agains General Daniel Broadhead, as commandant at Fort Pitt.