NameCROMEANS, Nancy Agnes
, GGG Grandaunt
Birth Date2 Feb 1858
Birth PlaceItawamba County, Mississippi
Death Date21 Jul 1911 Age: 53
Death PlaceItawamba County, Mississippi
Misc. Notes
In Memoriam
Nancy Cromeans Johnson
The subject of this sketch was born in a quiet little home a short distance from Burnt field church Feberuary 2, 1858. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cromeans and a twin sister of Wm. T Cromeans. While yet a small child her mother was taken away leaving the care of five children to the father.
At the age of eighteen she was married to Henry Johnson. She was an ideal home maker of a serene, affectionate, retiring disposition, was the mother of ten children. Despite the many duties that confront a busy mother, the sick or needy received a goodly share of her sympathy and attention.
She joined the Missionary Baptist church October 1887 (date unclear) and was baptized by Brother Thornley. The vow she took upon her self was fully realized and assuredly kept. She was always a consistent member of her church. She was a victim of that deadly disease tuberculosis. She received the best medical attention available and most affectionate care from a dutiful husband and loving children.
She bore her suffering patiently fully realizing her physical condition she expressed herself as being perfectly ready to go. On the afternoon of August the 1st, 1911, Aunt Nancy lay at the alter of Mt. Vernon church asleep while the choir sang beautiful hymns with Brother Jarrel her pastor officiating. She looked so peaceful. Her brow wore no touch of pain, she was at rest. Dear heart your companion is left alone; his hopes for a happy old age all crushed, his heart all bleeding. The children whose love found full return in the love of mother their arms are aching to clasp your beloved form again, their hearts are yearning for the reunion with you on the other shore. Your brothers long for the touch of your hand and the sound of your voice in loving converse.
I know you can look from the parapets of Heaven and read the yearnings of your loved ones. But I know too, that you do not grieve with them for in the light of eternity a thousand years is but a day and so you can realize that in a little space all your "own" will be caught in the clouds of glory to live with you always. Untrammeled by sorrow, freed from the ills and pains of the flesh you walk the fair fields of Heaven with the step that knows no lassitude. Crowned with the mortalities your brown glows with the light of Heaven. Like the sleeping lilies you have been transformed by the power of ... that her falling of sleep is a transition from a world of sorrow into the light of a fairer day.
Luna Cromeans
[Note that Luna Cromeans was the niece of both Nancy Cromeans Johnson and Henry Ellis Johnson, Jr. Her mother Mary Johnson was Henry's sister, and her father Eli Crockett "Manny" Cromeans was Nancy's brother. Siblings married siblings.]