NameMEBANE, William
, 9G Grandfather
Birth Dateabt 1690
Birth PlaceUlster, Ireland
Death Dateabt 1750 Age: 60
Misc. Notes
Was in Pennsylvania in 1718 and one of the founders of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Family probably went to Northern Ireland from Scotland in 17th Century. Name may have changed from Maben as there is a Loch Maben in Dumfriesshire, Scotland; however, name in old novel by Sir Walter Scott is spelled Loch Mebane, so there may have been alternate spellings.
Lochmaben (Maben/Mebane/Mabin)
Royal Burg founded 1296 in the valley of the Annan, 9 miles NE of Dumfries, between Castle Loch, Kirk Loch and Mill Loch. First superiors Bruces - Lords of Annandale, Earls of Moray, Earl of Douglas. Royal Burg in 1605. Contains old churchyard, mideaval church and parish church 1818. Lochmaben Old Castle built in mid 12th century. Lochmaben Castle around 1300 1 mile SE. Elshieshields Tower in mid 16th century
Birth Dateabt 1698
Birth PlaceIreland