NameLINDERMAN, Johann Justus
, 8G Grandfather
Birth Date2 Aug 1690
Birth PlaceDachrieden, Unstrut-Hainrich-Kreis, Thüringen, Germany
Immi Date25 Nov 1740 Age: 50
Immi PlacePhiladelphia, Delaware County, Pennsylvania
MemoArrived on the “Loyal Judith”
Death Date16 Nov 1769 Age: 79
Death PlaceNorth Coventry, Chester County, Pennsylvania
Misc. Notes
Justus Lindeman is noted as having arrived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on November 25, 1740 on the ship Loyal Judith with his two sons Jacob, 18, and Heinrich, 16. Justus himself was 49 years old at this time. The ship came from Rotterdam, Holland, but Justus and his sons were listed as coming from the village of Unkenbach, which is about 50 miles southwest of Frankfurt in the German State of Rheinland-Pfalz. Located about 90 miles northeast of Frankfurt, Dachrieden was the birthplace of Johann Justus Linderman and his father, Just Linderman.
The Lindemans were part of a large immigration of Germans to Pennsylvania. During the early eighteenth century, thousands of families were forced to leave their homes in the Rhine section of Germany because of political, religious, and economic reasons. Passenger lists of this period show that quite a few of those people embarked on their voyage to America from ports in Holland as did the Linderman's aboard the Loyal Judith
From the Rhineland it was easier and closer to get to Rotterdam on the Dutch coast by boat on the Rhine River than to travel overland to German ports. This departure from Dutch ports is the reason those people were called Pennsylvania Dutch, even though they were of German origin.
A Johan Linderman owned 100 acres of land in the Hanover Township of Pennsylvania prior to 1734, and appears to be related to the Justus Lindeman family. If so, he must have preceded the Justus Lindeman family and his reports back to Germany probably encouraged Justus to make the move also.
German church records from Trappe, Pennsylvania, in what was then Philadelphia County note that "beyond the Schuykill" on March 10, 1747, Johan Heinrich Lindeman, son of Justus Lindeman, married Anna Margretha Uhlin. A confirmation is recorded on May 7, 1747, for "Susannah Elizabeth Lindermann daughter of Justus, age 13 years". An interesting notation was added that "The father hurried her confirmation as he wanted her to be of his persuasion. She was very weak in her knowledge." One possible inference is that the Lindermans did not attend church on a regular basis and failed to study the Bible and teach the faith to their children, but still desired that their children be Christians. A third reference in the church records was for the confirmation on Jun 1, 1760, of Justus Lindeman, son of Justus Lindeman, age 17 years. Justus Jr. would have been born three years after the arrival of the Lindeman family in Pennsylvania, and infers that Justus was accompanied by his wife aboard the Loyal Judith or followed him shortly after that.
Justus died at the age of 78 in Pennsylvania. His wife, Anna Elizabeth, apparently joined the families of her children who migrated south, and died at the age of 85 in Greenville, South Carolina.
Birth Date12 Mar 1700
Birth PlaceUnkenbach, Bayern, Germany
Death Date17 May 1782 Age: 82
Death PlaceGreenville, Greenville County, South Carolina
Marr Date3 Jan 1717
Marr PlaceUnkenbach, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany