NameTUCKER, Henry
, 11G Grandfather
Birth Dateabt 1619
Birth PlaceDevonshire, England
Death Date21 Apr 1694 Age: 75
Death PlaceDartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts
Misc. Notes
Henry Tucker came to America before 1651 and settled in Sandwich, Massachusetts.
Quakers, probably joining the faith after they were married. They were living in Milton, Massachusetts, in 1663 where they were persecuted just for being Quakers. They removed to Rhode Island and then in 1669-70 became early settlers in Dartmouth, Massachusetts.
They owned 800 acres, including shore, swamp and woodland on Slocum Road and the Pasamanett River, one of the most extensive farms in the town. In 1680 land was set off to build a mill and George Babcock and Henry Tucker were engaged to do the work. The mill was running in 1681, and after
King Philips War it is said Henry Tucker returned and built a stone house to defy the "firebrand of savages".
Surveyor of Highways in 1671 and 1675. Elected Surveyor of Highways again in 1679. He and his sons were elected to fill town offices continuously after that, and the family always took the lead in the local affairs of the
Society of Friends. His will is on record in the Probate office in Taunton, MA.
Dartmouth was destroyed during King Philip's War in 1775 by the Indians with many inhabitants killed. The survivors were rescued by
Captain Church. They removed to Newport, RI where Martha died in November.