NameFULCHER, Sarah
, 5G Grandmother
Birth Date10 Mar 1808
Birth PlaceTennessee
Death Dateabt 1894 Age: 85
Death PlaceAckerman, Choctaw County, Mississippi
Misc. Notes
Sarah is listed in the 1860 census of Choctaw County. Evidently she lived alone and had two boarders living in her house.
Birth Date3 Apr 1802
Birth PlaceSouth Carolina
Death Date26 Apr 1851 Age: 49
Death PlaceAckerman, Choctaw County, Mississippi
Misc. Notes
Simeon Oswalt was born in 1802 and married Sarah Fulcher in 1822. They moved, along with the Weeks and Fulcher families, from Alabama to Tennessee about 1823.
They were in McMinn, County, Tenn. in 1830 when the Weeks and Fulchers moved to Mississippi. Instead, they moved back to Alabama and settled near Tuscaloosa. Their son John was born there in 1833.
After encouraging letters from the Weeks family about Choctaw County, Miss., The Simeon Oswalt fa mily moved there in late 1835. None of Simeon's brothers came with him, but a sister (Mrs. Edwards) and several first cousins did come. Simeon, who was possibly a nephew of George Oswalt, convinced his cousins, Martin, James W. and their brothers to come to Choctaw County.
His first five sons were born In Tenn., John was born in Alabama, and his four daughters were born in Miss. Some records list three more children (a boy and two girls). The last child was born in 1847. Simeon died in 1851 at age 49. Simeon Oswalt is listed in the 1830 Tenn. census for McMinn County