NameFOOTE, Richard Walter II
, 8G Grandfather
Birth Date31 Jan 1666
Birth PlaceCornwall, England
Immi Date1689 Age: 22
Immi PlaceVirginia
Death Date21 Mar 1729 Age: 63
Death PlaceStafford County, Virginia
OccupationJustice of the Peace
Misc. Notes
Richard was the first of the family to settle permanently in Virginia, Stafford County.
He was commissioned Justice of the County in 1701, but little is known about him as records are gone. He was awarded 860 pounds of Tobacco for proclaiming the Queen in Nov 1701.
His will is dated Apr 15th, 1724, and though it was destroyed, is cited in a deed from Thomas Booth, Jr, of Gloucester, and Richard Foote, of Stafford, Prince William County. Sept. 8 1724, and in another dated Nov 1762, and recorded in Fauquier County, from Richard Foote, of Stafford.
Birth Dateabt 1666
Birth PlaceChotank, Stafford County, Virginia
Death Date1 Apr 1729 Age: 63
Death PlaceSt. Pauls Parish, Stafford County, Virginia
Marr Dateabt 1740
Marr PlaceSt. Pauls Parish, Stafford County, Virginia