, 10G Grandfather
Birth Dateabt 1614
Birth PlaceBristol, Gloucestershire, England
Immi Date1635 Age: 21
Immi PlaceGravesend, England to Virginia
MemoShip “George”
Death Date16 Jul 1673 Age: 59
Death PlaceHenrico County, Virginia
Misc. Notes
John Gilliam was 21 years old when he and his brother, Thomas Gilliam, 18, sailed from Gravesend, England, 21 August 1635 on the George, bound for Virginia.
JOHN and THOMAS GILHAM were among the 12 persons transported by JOSEPH ROYALL, and who received a patent dated August 20, 1642, in Henrico County, Virginia. [Nugent, Cavaliers and Pioneers, p. 130]
Birth Date18 Feb 1614
Birth PlaceSurry County, Virginia
Death Dateabt 1688 Age: 73
Death PlaceSurry County, Virginia
Marr Dateabt 1650
Marr PlaceVirginia