, 11G Grandfather
Birth Dateabt 1630
Birth PlaceLlanradoc , Caernarfonshire, Wales
Death Date15 Jul 1698 Age: 68
Death PlaceIsle of Wight, Wight County, Virginia
Misc. Notes
Owen Griffeth was born circa 1633 probably in Llanradoc, Wales and died 1698 Isle of Wight, Virginia.
The surname has various spellings and two are Griffeth and Griffith which sometimes occur interchanged within the same document.
Owen emigrated from Wales probably through Bristol, England. It is thought his parents were John Griffeth and Jane Owen of Lynn in Caenarvon, Wales. An early record of Owen Griffeth is 1 Jan 1665 when he purchased 100 acres located at the head of Pagan Creek from Paul Luke. (John Boddie, Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight county, Virginia, page 547) Owen was a witness to Paul Luke's will, 14 October 1666 in Isle of Wight, Virginia as shown in Book 2, page 47, Owin Griffith is listed as one of 10 persons as a headright for Anthony Spiltimber 14 may 1666, when Anthony claimed 460 acres in Surry County, Virginia Beginning in "a greate Cyprus Swamp".... Cavaliers and Pioneers, page 562.
On 2 may 1681, Mary Huntt Edwards requested administration of the estate of Robert Edwards her first husband. She submitted and inventory of the estate and listed Owen Griffith and Henry King as her securities 18 jun 1681. (Isle of Wight County, Virginia Adm. and Probates, page 52 and Will and Deed Book 2 page 217.) It is thought that Owen , like Mary, was married earlier as the Griffeth children, Edward Owen and Ann are not listed in Mary Griffeth's will in 1727.
Owen married Mary Huntt Edwards, daughter of William Huntt and Judith Burton, about 1681 probably in Isle of Wight, Virginia. Owen Griffeth's will is dated 15 July 1698 in the Isle of Wight Virginia, Will and Deed book 2, page 397. Owen left legacies to wife Mary Griffeth, daughters Ann and Sarah, sons Edward, Owen and john Griffeith, son-in-law William Johnson, grandchildren john and Patience Griffith and step-daughters Margaret and Judy Edwards. Mary Griffith was named Executrix and witnesses were henry Applewhite and Jane Bragg.
Mary married a third time to William Boddie, a Quaker. Boddie named "now wife Mary Boddie in his will 17 December 1712 that was probated 25 February 1717, Isle of Wight Boodie 2, page 633. Thee were no children of this marriage.
Mary Huntt Edwards Griffeth Boddie signed her will 17 January 1727, Isle of Wight county. Will list her son-in-law Thomas Drake, daughter Mary Edwards Bragg, daughter Judith Edwards Clark and daughter Sarah joiner. Executor: Thomas Drake.
Probated 24 April 1732 isle of Wight County, Virginia book 3, page 299. The Sarah "Joiner" should be "Johnson" as a spelling error was made. Spelling mistakes or translations are common among early records.
Birth Dateabt 1635
Birth PlaceIsle of Wight, Wight County, Virginia
Death Dateabt 1732 Age: 97
Death PlaceIsle of Wight, Wight County, Virginia
ChildrenSarah (~1652-1719)