NameHAINES, Johnathan
, 11G Grandfather
Birth Date11 Apr 1648
Birth PlaceHampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire
Death Date22 Sep 1697 Age: 49
Death PlaceHaverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts
Misc. Notes
JONATHAN HAYNES was the son of William Haynes and Sarah Ingersoll.
In his youth, he also lived in Newbury, Massachusetts. At the invitation of Governor Philip Carteret, several of the Newbury men were asked to move to Woodbridge, East New Jersey. It is not known if Jonathan actually lived in Woodbridge but he was listed as having 96 acres of land there in 1673.
Jonathan married Sarah Moulton December 30, 1674 in Haverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts. She was born December 17, 1656 at Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire, the daughter of William Moulton and Margaret Page.
As the story goes, it was August 15, 1696, they were living in Haverhill, Massachusetts, and Jonathan and four of his children were working in a field near Bradley's mill which was in view of their house. Jonathan was reaping hay while his four children, Mary (age 19); Thomas (age 16); Jonathan (age 12) and Joseph (age 7) were picking beans. All were captured by a band of about 30 Indians.
The Indians immediately left for Penacook, New Hampshire, where they were divided. One group took Jonathan and Thomas to Maine where the Indians lived. From there they were able to escape.
After escaping and traveling two or three days with scarcely anything to eat, Jonathan (about 50 years old at the time) was exhausted and could go no farther. Thomas then went ahead for help; after a while he heard the sound of a sawmill. He soon discovered the settlement of Saco.
After telling his story and obtaining a bottle of milk he went back to his father. His father did not expect him back and was preparing himself for death. The milk revived him enough to reach Saco where they stayed until their strength was back. They reached Haverhill with no additional problems.
Mary, Jonathan and Joseph were taken to Canada and sold to the French. As the tradition goes, Mary was carried to Canada in a hand sled.
Mary was redeemed for 100 pounds of tobacco the following winter but her two brothers remained in Canada. They married there and became wealthy farmers although they lost how to speak their original English language. Afterwards Mary married John Preston of Andover and moved to Connecticut.
Two years later, on February 22, 1698 Jonathan and a neighbor, Samuel Ladd, were killed by the Indians. Jonathan was 52 years old at the time. At the same time, Thomas was again captured. He was at the time 18 years old.
Haynes and Ladd had started out that morning with their teams (consisting of a yoke of oxen and a horse each) and accompanied by their oldest sons, Thomas Haynes and Daniel Ladd. They were bringing home some hay which had been cut and stacked the previous summer. They were slowing traveling home when they found themselves between two files of Indians, seven on a side. The Indians had concealed themselves on each side of the bath.
Their guns were presented and cocked. The fathers, seeing it was impossible to escape, begged for "quarter". To this, the Indians twice replied, "boom quarter! boom quarter!" (good quarter)
Daniel Ladd, who did not relish the idea of being quietly taken prisoner, told his father he was going to mount the horse in an endeavor to escape. His father forbid him to make the attempt, telling him it was better to risk remaining a prisoner. Still the son cut the horse loose and whipped him so he started off at full speed. The sight of the horse at home notified the family of problems.
Two of the Indians stepped behind the fathers, and dealt them a heavy blow upon the head. Jonathan Haynes instantly fell but Ladd did not. Another Indian stepped before Ladd and raised his hatchet as if to strike. Ladd closed his eyes, expecting the blow which did not come. When he opened his eyes he saw the Indian laughing and mocking his fears. Another Indian came up from behind and felled him with a blow.
The Indian when asked why they killed the old men, said they killed Haynes because he was so old he could not go with them and they killed Ladd who was a fierce , stern looking man, because "he was so sour".
The Indians then took the boys to Penacook, New Hampshire. There, young Ladd tried to make his escape. He was actually away from camp but decided to come back for a hatchet. He went into a wigwam where an old sick squaw lived. She saw him and yelled so loud he was recaptured.
He was taken back to his master where they bound his hands and placed him on his back and fastened one of his feet to a tree. They kept him this way for 14 nights. Then they gashed his face with their knives, filling the wounds with powder, and kept him on his back until it was so indented in the flesh that it was impossible to extract it. He carried those scars the rest of his life.
Young Haynes remained a prisoner for one or two years until at last redeemed by his relatives. Upon his redemption he was given an ornamental cane by the Indian Chief as a token of respect for good conduct as a prisoner.
Birth Date17 Dec 1656
Birth PlaceHampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire
Death Date13 Jul 1699 Age: 42
Death PlaceHaverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts
Marr Date30 Dec 1674
Marr PlaceHampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire