NameTATUM, Benjamin
, 7G Grandfather
Birth Dateabt 1730
Birth PlaceKing William County, Virginia
Death Dateabt 1813 Age: 83
Death PlaceCharlotte County Virginia
Misc. Notes
Benjamin Tatum was born 1730 in King William, Virginia. By 1752 tax records show he was living in Lunenburg County, Virginia and owning 1400 acres. He married Mary Elizabeth Gravett about the same time. His wife's last name cannot be proved, but it is thought to be Gravet since several descendants through the generations had the same name, including a son, Benjamin Gravet Tatum, born 1765.
Lunenburg County, Virginia Deeds: #518 "Benjamin Tatum - 15 December, 1757 - 400 acres on the Brs of the middle and N forks of Meher"
Lunenburg County, Virginia - 1776 Tythables - Reuben Tatum - 1 Tithe, Benjamin Tatum, William Tatum - 4 Tithes, Joseph Tatum - 1 Tithe.
Benjamin Tatum, though he was wealthy, died without a will in 1813 in Lunenberg County, Virginia. He was about 80 years old. At his death he owned 42 slaves and 3000 pounds. Children's names from his estate settlement (no will) were Reuben (married Ann Crafton), Joseph (married Mary ?), Orana (married William Fullilove), William (married Mary Crenshaw), Susanna (married John Haley), Mary (married Daniel Lafoe), Sarah (married Elam Lewis), Gravet (married Nancy Roberts), Wealthy (married John Munday), Charity (married James Robertson), John (married Mary ?), Benjamin G. (married Mary ?), Lucy (unmarried when her father died). Benjamin Tatum's wife, Mary Elizabeth Gravett, died in 1818 in Charlotte County, Virginia.
Birth Dateabt 1730
Birth PlaceLunenburg County, Virginia
Death Dateabt 1816 Age: 86
Death PlaceCharlotte County Virginia
Marr Dateabt 1752
Marr PlaceLunenburg County, Virginia