NameBEAN, John
, 11G Grandfather
Birth Date4 Oct 1675
Birth PlaceSt. Stephens, Northumberland County, Virginia
Death Date8 Dec 1755 Age: 80
Death PlaceSt. Stephens, Northumberland County, Virginia
Misc. Notes
William Bean’s father was possible an immigrant from Scotland.
BEAN, VA, WILL, 1755 Will of John Bean (1682-1755) Northumberland County, VA
Record Book 3 Pg. 244-245
In the name of God Amen I John Bean of the County of Northumberland Being in perfect sence and memory Blessed be almightly God for the same does hear make and Constitute and allow this to be my last will and Testament Disanuling all former wills and behoofs whatsoever.
... Item I give and bequeath to my son John Bean one shilling.
... Item I give and bequeath to my Daughter Ann Bean one Negro girle named Cate the said Negro girle to be Delivered to my Daughter Ann Bean on the day of Marriage, But in case Ann Bean die without Lawfull heir of her bosy My will is that my son Richard Bean Shall have this said Negro girle Cate to him and his heirs forever.
... Item my will is that my Loving wife Lydia Bean shall have the use of all my whole Estate During her Widdowhood or Natural life and after her death or widowwhood I give and bequeath to my son William Bean and to my son George Bean all my lands whereon I now Dwell to be Equally Divided between them as they can agree Provided that they are Satisfyed to dwell upon the said Lands But in case they should offer to sell this land or be anywise Undutiful to their mother During her life or if Either of them should die without Lawful heir my will is that my two youngest sons should then be their lawfull heirs of the said land and in case one of them should die Intestate then my will is that his part of the said land Shall fall to my son Richard Bean and in lik form to his brother Thomas Bean and his lawful heirs forever.
... Item my will is that after my Loving wifes decease or widdowhood that all the rest of my Estate shall be equally Divided between my five youngest children.
... Moreover, my will is that my loving wife Lydia Bean and my son William and .......... Shall be my lawfull Executors of this my last will and Testament As Witness my hand and Seale the 21st day of March, 1753.
his John IB BEAN mark
Test. John Hill Elizabeth Hill
Presented for probate 08-Dec-1755 for deceased John Bane
Birth Dateabt 1679
Birth PlaceSt. Stephens, Northumberland County, Virginia
Death Dateabt 1755 Age: 76
Death PlaceSt. Stephens, Northumberland County, Virginia