NameBARCLEY, Robert Sr.
, 5G Grandfather
Birth DateNov 1763
Birth PlaceColeraine, County Londonderry, Ireland
Immi Date1769 Age: 5
Immi PlaceSouth Carolina
Death Date26 Jul 1848 Age: 84
Death PlaceMorgan County, Alabama
Misc. Notes
"The Democrat" Huntsville, AL
Aug 9, 1848
by Nedra Burton
Departed this life on the 26th July, 1848, Robert Barclay, aged 85 years; born Nov. 1763, in Ireland; came with his father to South Carolina in 1769; served as a private soldier under Sumpter towards the close of the War of the Revolution, and emigrated to Tennessee in 1802, and afterwards to Morgan County, Alabama, in 1816, where he died; being one of the first pioneers who crossed the Tennessee River in Alabama.
He was remarkably healthy, never having any sickness until worn out with old age; even retaining his eyesight to the last, never using a pair of spectacles; he professed religion and joined the Baptist Church after coming to Morgan County, and has left three sons and three daughters to mourn his loss. Thus has fallen the last revolutionary patriot that we are acquainted with; tho' there are doubtless many more; but the time is close at hand when the last patriot that bared his bosom to the enemies of American freedom will cease to live on earth; but the time should be long before a memory of their deeds should be lost to their survivors.
Birth PlaceLancaster County, South Carolina
Death Dateabt 1835
Death PlaceHartselle, Morgan County, Alabama
Marr Date1790
Marr PlaceLancaster County, South Carolina