NameDRAKE, Capt. George
, 10G Grandfather
Birth Dateabt 1650
Birth PlacePortsmouth, Middlesex, New Hampshire
Death Date17 Oct 1709 Age: 59
Death PlacePiscataway, Middlesex County, New Jersey
Misc. Notes
A court record evidences the fact that George Drake was a resident of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, June 25. 1661.
In June. 1666, he was appointed an Ensign of Portsmouth Militia. Aug. 3. 1668, he and his wife Mary, deeded land in Greenland, Portsmouth to John Johnson and Thom" Brackett and shortly afterward, they removed to Piscataway, New Jersey.
July 15, 1675, he was commissioned Captain of foot, and in the same year in accordance with the "Concessions of the Proprietors" of Feb. 10, 1664/5, he and his wife Mary, his sons John and George. and the latter's wife Mary received grants of land on the Raritan River. In 1678 Captain Francis Drake received another grant by order of the town authorities of Piscataway. He also received a license July 5, 1673, to keep a house of entertainment in the town of New Piscataway.
Captain George Drake was a man of considerable prominence in the Colony serving as a member of the General Assembly 1684‑1691. In 1681, he was a member of the Committee to treat with Governor Lawrie as to the rights of the citizens of Piscataway. He was one of the signers of the Petition to the King, requesting the appointment of a more efficient Governor.
He was married twice: the name of his first wife referred to in the land grant of 1675 is unknown.
He married secondly Nov. 13 1677, Mary Oliver, daughter of William and Mary (Ackerly‑Simpkins) Oliver.
He died in 1710, leaving a wilt in which he mentions wife Mary; sons, Andrew. Jonathan, David and George; daughters: Elisabeth, Susannah and Hannah, and refers to the ownership of alt interest in the Sloop "Dolphin."
Birth Date20 Jun 1657
Birth PlaceElizabethtown, Union County, New Jersey
Death DateJul 1726 Age: 69
Death PlaceWoodbridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey
Marr Date13 Nov 1677
Marr PlaceElizabethtown, Union County, New Jersey