NameLEWALLEN, Thomas

Birth Date28 Dec 1643
Birth PlacePembrey, Carmathenshire, Wales
Death Dateabt 1732 Age: 88
Death PlaceVirginia
Misc. Notes
Immigration to Virginia: Thomas came to the colony of Virginia as a Indentured Servant to David Vernon.
After serving out his indenture, he married David Vernon’s daughter, Ruth, around 1674. He converted to the Quaker faith while he was in the Vernon household and for several generations the Llewellyns were devout in their Quaker faith.
Birth Dateabt 1654
Birth PlaceVirginia
Death Dateabt 1732 Age: 78
Death PlaceVirginia
Marr Dateabt 1674
Marr PlaceNorfolk, Virginia